This is what ‘not going grocery shopping’ looks like!

Grocery shopping: that task we all must do in order to feed our bodies. I don’t know about you, but there are days that I’m not feeling it! Today was one of those days. Since I decided to not go grocery shopping, I had to get creative and whip up something for my husband and…

Teach a Man to Fish (and Cook)!

“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Show a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” Raising three sons, I was determined to raise them to be independent. At age 9, they  were taught how to wash, dry, and iron their clothes, and how to cook simple breakfast…

Tips to Create Your Quiet Zone

The late, legendary Bob Marley so eloquently sang, “So much trouble in the world.” And, today it seems that troubles are plaguing every end of the earth. We’re bombarded daily with news of movements for racial and social justice, terrorist attacks, and political boxing matches — it never ends! An over-consumption of this sensationalism isn’t…

Southern BBQ Favorites

I come from a family of southern cooks, who used their food as a vehicle for showing their love and affection — I’m no different! A backyard BBQ is the perfect place to flex my culinary skills, and to show my family how much I love them, by cooking some of their favorite BBQ foods:…

When Life Gives You @&##t, Make Kebabs!

There’s one thing that’s certain about life — it’s uncertain! No matter how much you plan and prepare, life will find a way to give you an unexpected outcome. Losing a job, not getting a job, failing an important test, or losing love can make you feel defeated. Don’t despair! Instead of sulking, get a…

Sunday Dinner Series: Eggplant & Spinach Parmesan

If you’ve ever made eggplant parmesan before, you know that it’s a time-consuming dish to prepare. It’s not a meal that you want to prepare, if you don’t have a lot of time on hand. In making this dish, you definitely need a system in place for each step in the process — even before…

Sunday Dinner Series: Moroccan Lentil Soup

There are two things in life that I enjoy: Middle-Eastern dishes and one-pot meals. And, what better way to enjoy these simple, life pleasures together, than in a Moroccan Lentil Soup! What I love most about Middle-Eastern dishes are the aromatic spices that seem to transport you to a faraway place, with every bite. I…

Is it Food or Art?

As a creative person, I’m always amazed by the creativity of others. Whether it’s reading the prose of a talented writer, or admiring the culinary creations of a chef –there’s something magical that happens in creativity. Recently, my husband shared photos of food art creations by one of his co-workers. Man, I was blown away!…

Vegan Chinese Anyone?

When it comes to eating certain vegan foods, I’m a real wimp! Even though I’ve been vegetarian most of my adult life, there are some vegan foods that I just simply do not like. I won’t eat foods that claim to be healthy, but either taste like wood or sawdust. Sorry! I prefer my foods…